Industrial Automation
Assembling Stations
The goal of producing assembly stations is to design a solution to streamline the product assembly process and create a well-functioning system. Assembly stations are key to the efficient assembly of components into final products. Their precise control and automated processes reduce errors and increase assembly speed.

Cutting Stations
Regarding cutting stations, it is necessary to test the quality of the cut. We have a variety of designs and sizes of cutting blades available to test the cut. Subsequently, it is possible to send the tested sample to the customer for evaluation and approval of the cut quality. A well-designed station with correctly positioned part fixtures is essential for achieving the desired quality.

Checking Fixtures
Checking fixtures require right choice of detection sensors for individual positions. We cooperate with leader suppliers of sensors, and we constantly acquire knowledge about news in this field. Output quality is important for our customers as well as for us.
Checking fixtures serve to verify the correctness of production, simplify the control process and improve repeatability and coherence

Custom Parts Production
We dispose of machinery that is adapted to the production of custom-made parts. There is also a back-up program for all manufactured parts in case of production of a spare part for your device. The machines are equipped with a touch workpiece probe, laser tool targeting and Heidenhain control software.